Instructions for Manuscript Submission/Presentation
This section explains the method for submitting a manuscript to Journal of Rural Planning Studies.
Guide to authors
The Association of Rural Planning (hereinafter, ARP) invites the submission of articles and reports to be published in Journal of Rural Planning Studies. Please refer following documents, including Submission Guidelines and Instruction for Authors, to prepare a manuscript.
- Submission Guidelines (pdf)
- Instruction for Authors (pdf)
- Manuscript Template (dotx)
※Please submit your articles and reports via Editorial Manager for Journal of Rural Planning Studies referring “Instruction for Authors” (above) and “ Author Manual”, which can be downloaded from the following URL.
- Editorial Manager for Journal of Rural Planning Studies(
Contact Email: arp_submission&
(*Please change “&” to “@” in the email address)
Presentation: In principle, the lead author, whose article/report is published at Journal of Rural Planning Studies, may make an oral presentation of his/her article / report at the Autumn Conference of Rural Planning. The information will be delivered to you when your article/report is accepted.